Source code for phrasebook.phrasebook

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created on 3/19/19 by Pat Blair
.. currentmodule:: phrasebook.phrasebook
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

Store phrases (SQL, messages, what-have-you) alongside your modules.
from collections import Mapping
import inspect
from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from typing import Dict, Iterable, ItemsView, Tuple
import toml

PHRASES_SUFFIX = '.phr'  #: the standard suffix for phrasebook directories

[docs]class Phrasebook: """ A phrasebook is an indexed collection of string templates. """
[docs] def __init__( self, path: str or Path = None, suffixes: Iterable[str] = None ): """ :param path: the path to the phrases directory, or a file that has an accompanying phrasebook directory :param suffixes: the suffixes of phrase files .. seealso:: `Python's String Templates <>`_ """ # Let's figure out where the phrases are kept. (Part One) self._path: Path = self._resolve_path(path) # We should also keep track of the file suffixes we expect to find. self._suffixes: Tuple[str] = tuple( (s if s.startswith('.') else f".{s}").lower() for s in ( suffixes if suffixes else [] ) if s ) if suffixes else () # Let's figure out where the phrases are kept. (Part Two) if not self._path.exists(): # Say the prescribed path does not exist. # Let's look for siblings... _parent: Path = self._path.parent # ...that may have the same name (stem)... for _item in [ i for i in _parent.iterdir() if i.stem == self._path.stem ]: # ...but one of the prescribed suffixes (case-insensitive)... if _item.suffix.lower() in self._suffixes: # ...and if we find such a thing, that's the new path. self._path = _item break self._phrases: Dict[str, Template] = {} #: the phrase templates
@classmethod def _resolve_path(cls, path: str or Path): return ( ( path if isinstance(dir, Path) else Path(path) ).expanduser().resolve() ) if path else Path( getattr( inspect.getmodule(inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back), '__file__' ) ).with_suffix(PHRASES_SUFFIX) @property def path(self) -> Path: """ Get the path to the phrases directory. """ return self._path @property def suffixes(self) -> Tuple[str]: """ Get the recognized suffixes for phrase files. """ return self._suffixes
[docs] def items(self) -> ItemsView[str, Template]: """ Get the key-value pairs. """ return self._phrases.items()
def _load_dir(self, path: Path, prefix: str = ''): """ Recursively load a phrases directory. :param path: the directory path to load :param prefix: the prefix to prepend to all the phrase keys in the phrase dictionary """ # Go through all the items in the path. for sub in path.iterdir(): # If this item is a directory, append its name to the current # prefix and load it recursively. if sub.is_dir(): self._load_dir(sub, prefix=f"{prefix}{}.") elif ( sub.is_file() and ( not self._suffixes or sub.suffix.lower() in self.suffixes ) ): # Otherwise, if it's a file and we either have no preference # for suffixes, or it's suffix is one we recognize, create a # template for it and place it into the dictionary of phrases. self._phrases[f"{prefix}{sub.stem}"] = Template(sub.read_text()) def _load_dict(self, dict_: Mapping, prefix: str = ''): """ Recursively load a dictionary of phrases. :param dict_: the phrases dictionary :param prefix: the prefix to prepend to all the phrase keys in the phrase dictionary """ # Let's look at each of the items... for k, v in dict_.items(): # If the value appears to be a dictionary... if isinstance(v, Mapping): # ...load it. self._load_dict(v, prefix=f"{prefix}{k}.") else: # Otherwise, we assume it's either a template, or string-like. self._phrases[f"{prefix}{k}"] = ( v if isinstance(v, Template) else Template(str(v)) ) def _load_file(self, path: Path): """ Load a dictionary of phrases from a file. :param path: the path to the file """ self._load_dict(toml.loads(path.read_text()))
[docs] def load(self) -> 'Phrasebook': """ Load the phrases. :return: this instance """ # Figure out which loader method is appropriate for the path. _load_fn = self._load_file if self._path.is_file() else self._load_dir # Load 'em up! _load_fn(self._path) # Always return the current instance. return self
[docs] def substitute( self, phrase: str, default: str or Template = None, safe: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> str or None: """ Perform substitutions on a phrase template and return the result. :param phrase: the phrase :param default: a default template :param safe: `True` (the default) to leave the original placeholder in the template in place if no matching keyword is found :param kwargs: the substitution arguments :return: the substitution result """ template = self.get( phrase=phrase, default=default ) if not template: return None return ( template.safe_substitute(**kwargs) if safe else template.substitute(**kwargs) )
[docs] def get( self, phrase: str, default: str or Template = None ) -> Template or None: """ Get a phrase template. :param phrase: the name of the phrase template :param default: a default template or string :return: the template (or the default), or `None` if no template is defined .. seealso:: :py:func:`gets` """ try: return self._phrases[phrase] except KeyError: # If we were supplied with a default... if default is not None: # ...return that. return ( default if isinstance(default, Template) else Template(default) ) # Otherwise, the caller gets `None` return None
[docs] def gets( self, phrase: str, default: str or Template = None ) -> str or None: """ Get a phrase template string. :param phrase: the name of the phrase template :param default: a default template or string :return: the template (or the default), or `None` if no template is defined """ try: # See if the `get` method can give us a `Template` from which we # may derive a string. return self.get(phrase=phrase, default=default).template except (KeyError, AttributeError): # If we got a `KeyError` (because the phrase wan't found) or an # `AttributeError` (likely because the phrase is found but it's # value is `None`), we may be able to revert to the default. if default is not None: return ( default.template if isinstance(default, Template) else default ) # Otherwise, return None. return None
def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._phrases